Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Days of Our Lives............

We just finished up a massive 6 foot long mirror and another painty/woody piece for the Annual Members Exhibit at the Craft Council Gallery. Both were accepted into the show (hooray!).
Far more pressing today, though, is the fact that Fat Aunt Sylvia is having a sordid affair with Vincenzo the 2nd and has left poor Scratchy out to dry. He couldn't be more depressed. SHE has been giving him extra treats and has fluffed the mattress in his hotel room, hoping he'll be able to impress a new lady love. I have taken 2 Tylenol. If SHE keeps up with the running commentary on the cat soap opera, I MAY switch to wine. RED!!!!
Image: Detail "There Were Five Cats in French's Cove" Mirror by Cara & Pam

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