Saturday, August 13, 2011

Postcards from the Hedge.....that Rose is slowly eating.

"Have a GOATACIOUS weekend!!" Love, Rose Nylund
Rose has actually received some fan mail and a goatabulous picture  from  artist extraordinaire Debi  Hubbs, personally autographed by fellow goat Rupert G. Rumford. Rose is terribly excited about decorating her bed and breakfast with her mail and postcards.
Any postcards or letters for Rose can be sent to:

Rose Nylund
Rose Cottage Bed and Breakfast
Box 487, Upper Island Cove
Newfoundland, A0A 4E0
"Tuesday Night the Goat Fed Us" by Cara and Pam 
Hand-Carved/Mixed Media

In the Gallery this week.......
Lovely Man has been up to Rose Cottage Bed and Breakfast to visit Rose.
Lovely Man: So, how long will you wait until you eat the goat?
Me, in a whisper, as I slowly faint to the floor and lose consciousness:  Never.......


A Scattering said...

OMG, seriously?! How could he look at Rose and think she was anything but a member of the family (and a B&B proprietor)?

rooee said...

immediately brought to mind my old Rolling Stones album...Goats Head Soup. (yes i am an old goat myself)
runnnnnnnnnnnnn Rose!!!

Anonymous said...

Lovely Gallery Owner: So, how long will YOU wait until you eat your family members?

Goatabulous Rosie! Rose Rules! We Love Our Rosie!