Thursday, August 11, 2011

They've Landed!

Hooray! The starfish landed on The Craft Council of Newfoundland and Labrador...and it looks like that is where they plan on staying for a little while! To see them in person check out the fantastic Craft Council Shop and Gallery at 59 Duckworth Street, St. John's Newfoundland!

This week in the gallery....
Lovely Lady is looking at the dozens of giant starfish....
Lovely Lady: What are you going to do with all of those starfish?
Me: Oh, we are going to attach them all over a building in downtown St. John's.
Lovely Lady: Hmmm. Don't the owners of buildings get upset when artsists do things like that?
Thank you SO much to Valerie Morgan, writer extraordinaire who wrote a gorgeous 3 page article on our Grumpy Goat Gallery for this weeks Newfoundland Herald. The Wee Italian and Big Fat BooBoo are very impressed indeed! 


Anonymous said...

The starfish landing is awesome! Had no idea that the wee Italian could read English, he is one talented cat. How is Miss Rose and her B & B doing?

St. John's Mom said...

just want to say the starfish are beautiful... and I love your blog! I included you in a post this week: cheers!