Monday, December 12, 2011

No Matter How Hard She Tried, Nan Couldn't Get the Jam-Jam Stains Out of Aunt Berna's Old Quilt

"No Matter How Hard She Tried, Nan Couldn't Get the Jam-Jam Stains Out of Aunt Berna's Old Quilt"
Hand-Carved, Hand-Painted by Cara & Pam
Rosie wearing her new winter hat, "Gordon".

On Sunday I Learned Three Things...............

1. If a cat loves a goat, the goats choice of winter head attire makes no difference at all.

2. Going to a lovely church dinner when over-tired and hysterical with the giggles may not be the best way to present yourself  to the world. Note: It is only acceptable if you are drinking "tea".

3. If you are at the Tim Horton's drive-through, starving hungry but not a fan a whole wheat bread,  the last thing you should say to the lovely lady on the other side of the microphone is

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