Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Pretty in Pink

Finally, after so many years, we get a commission to do a piece with a PINK house! Hooray!!!!
Two Years Ago...HER: I'll make you a deal. You let me take off the vinyl siding on the house, put up wooden Cape Cod clapboard and you can choose any colour in the world you want for the house.
Two Years Ago...ME: OK!!!! Yes! Yes! I choose PINK! ...PINK PINKPINK!!!!

All my life I have wanted a pink house! OK!! PINK! YAHOO!!!!!
Two Years Ago...HER: Um....how about any colour in the world except for pink? I have always dreamed of having a house any colour BUT pink.
Two Years Ago...ME: Oh.

Our house is Kermit the Frog Lime Green.
Images: "The Pinkest House in Town" by Cara and Pam/Private commission
Riff and Stomp...they live in the pink house!

1 comment:

LoriW said...

OMG, no joke, I've always wanted to live in a pink house!!! I know where most of the pink houses in town are located... pink house stalker!

I likes you more everyday. Her, too.