Tuesday, December 7, 2010

"On Saturday, Agnes and Mrs. Puddester Were So Busy Making Cold Plates For the Sunday Church Luncheon, They Forgot to Take the Wash Off the Line"

Everyone is SO busy! Tis the season! So many things to finish up, Christmas orders to complete and menus to plan. (That is HER favourite part...PLANNING menus. I have to execute the plan.....if her party meals get much more lavish, someone is going to be executed for sure!)
Book club is coming up (this month we've done Middlesex....VERY interesting!) and this year we are hosting our gangs New Year's Eve Dinner Party! Can't wait and SHE has even said she'd help me make the beef rouladen. What a doll. I told her it was the least she could do.
SHE said, "How Very Dare You".
SHE said, it was the least she would do.
Image:"On Saturday, Agnes and Mrs. Puddester Were So Busy Making Cold Plates For the Sunday Church Luncheon, They Forgot to Take the Wash Off the Line"
By Cara Kansala and Pam Dorey, Hand-carved Wood/Mixed Media

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