Monday, April 11, 2011

Our Tuscan Miracle

Above: Just Before the Tuscan Dinner....hammers and saws and paint put away with seconds to spare...a Tuscan miracle!
The kitchen was plumbed and everything was done in the nick of time. SHE did a super job with the kitchen renovation and everthing was sparkly and lovely, ready for our guests to arrive!
Above: Just After the Tuscan Dinner (note the 20 million dirty plates and the gazillion empty bottles of vino!)
Above: A few of the culprits (3 of my Darlings)
Above: The only one who offered to help with the dishes. (I had to bribe him with treats and leftover anitpasta and  it worked, though he broke 3 wine glasses and poured a bowl of capers down the drain.)


Unknown said...

i can't believe that's your kitchen! it's lovely... (as was the old one).

LoriW said...

Questa è una bella cucina! Bravo!