Thursday, September 24, 2009

Caulker and Fetcher

We've been working non-stop on the orange house. Pam has the roof deck over the sun room done and now we've got to finish the siding and do a bit of scraping and painting. Then, on to the sun room and we're done! I wish I could help more, I am the caulker and fetcher. (Wasn't that a T.V. show?)

I am not allowed to take measurements or use anything with cords or electricity. Pam wrote up an agreement and I had to sign it. It also includes things without cords, but that use gas and oil. Like chainsaws and whippersnappers. The only exception is the electric sander....I CAN use that, IF I don't sand things on my lap, like the time I sanded through the knee of my new jeans......ANYHOO....once we get the orange house done, we can start the new gallery. I hope it is soon because the new doors and windows have arrived (all 30) and we will have to keep them in our tiny living room( 12 x 12) until we have gallery walls. Great for entertaining. Please stop by any time.

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