Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I'm Not That Grumpy Anymore AND My Clothes Smell Kinda Funky....The Times They Are-A-Changin'.....!

Upper Island Cove fog is sneaky, indeed. I took this this afternoon.....it WAS sunny, but the fog came in, ever so slowly and snuck up the hill, over the town.
What a whirling dervishy week! So many gallery visitors (hooray!), paintings getting painted, buildings getting built, birthdays being celebrated and deliveries being delivered, the bay is full of whales and the fog is being very sneaky!
One huge commissioned painting completed, two to go! SHE says I have to slow down but I am hoping to give the Tasmanian Devil a run for his money!
Hooray for the wonderful birthday celebration last night for Sweet Pigeon...the original and founding member of Zee Rezistanze....no one knows her true age for sure....her skin is like peaches and you'd think she was 25, but her eyes, they are old and wise.........
Bestest gallery comments of the week....
Two Lovely Ladies came to the front of the house, knocking and knocking on the windows......SHE was in the back yard and came around.
Two Lovely Ladies  "Oh Hi! We couldn't honk the horn because the car is gone, our husbands dropped us off......"
SHE said "Oh, you probably could have done it yourselves, you don't have to squeeze THAT hard...."
Another Lovely Lady said how much she loved the 20 foot mural I painted for The Newfoundland Chocolate Company in St. John's......
"So, do you paint murals on Tee shirts?"

I'll tell you why I've lost my Grumpy tomorrow....biggest news EVER, since time began!!!!!!!

Image: Detail "Underneath the Stars" by Cara Kansala

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