"Papa Luigi Waits" Cara*Acrylic on Canvas Teeny Mini Painting
I had a Wonder-Tastic time last night at the Craft Council fundraiser dinner "Misty Moon". I sat with the darlings, had quite a few laughs and learned all sorts of interesting things from the Shagger on my left. If the stuffed pork could talk, the mashed potatoes would have blushed for days! This morning...coffee,coffee,coffee....nom,nom,nom! I can now drive home to Upper Island Cove without the jeep as I have had at least 17 mugs of VERY strong joe (each one a heavy-weight). I can drive home just like Fred Flinstone (SHE says I have his feet anyways!) When I get home, me and my tuckered feet can take the brontosaurus for a walk...and Rosie, too!
The Follower of the month is......LORI WHITE
Please send Fred your home address and he will send you a t-shirt!
Detail "In So Deep" by Cara and Pam |
what would be cheaper? running a car on coffee or petrol?
LOVE In so Deep!
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