Saturday, September 22, 2012

I Wonder Where You Can Get Bulk Discounts on Girdles?

This coming January, Nan is planning on attending The Naked Knitters of America Conference 2013 that is being held in Sarasota, Florida. She has decided to shed a few pounds so she can fit back into her red bikini (for the volleyball tournament at the public beach). I thought that She and I could follow along with Nan to give her some support. SHE says that  Nan has quite a large collection of Spanx, girdles and hefty brassieres and doesn't need OUR support. SHE says that if we have to start watching our weight She expects, at least, a new watch.
Image" "Naked Nan #34"  by Cara Kansala 5" x 7" Acrylic on Canvas
Even BooBoo needs to lose a pound or two. The Boobster  has given up on walking and expects to be carried around in what she thinks is a motorized cat carrier. 

Between painting and sewing and collaging and working on custom orders I am trying to make healthy-ish snacks and lovely meals with lots of green things. The fact that SHE loves treats does not help.
HER: Due to the fact that I had the huge green salad, tomatoes and an apple, may I please have dessert.
Me: Sure! (You still have to enjoy your life!)

HER: May I have a cookie?
ME: Well, sure.
HER: May I have two cookies?
ME: Why not?
HER: May I have two cookies and ice cream?
ME: Well, how about just trying the two cookies without ice cream?


This is going to be hard.
Image Above:" Marley" (Detail) Custom Pet Commission by Cara  Kansala 2012
Acrylic on Canvas

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