Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Cat-Astrophe Waiting to Happen.......

Our artwork is constantly under attack. "The Gravy Seals" (our cat brigade)get into paint pots, chew brushes, steal my chimney wires and hide drill bits. They plan surprise ambushes on the squid nets and try to chew up our fairies. According to lean manufacturing, we SHOULD keep them in a separate part of the house to make our work environment more productive. We should, but we don't because poor Lily might lose his will to go on. He spends his days plotting revenge on the squid battalion that hangs from the studio ceiling. We have seen his little attack plans etched in the dried paint on my desk. One day, I know, I will find 100, mutilated clay squidlings strewn about the floor with Lily standing over them all, triumphant in his glory.