Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Driving Miss Crazy........

Last Thursday we left Newfoundland for the mainland. A work trip with a few tablespoons of fun thrown in for flavour.
I am a very cranky-pantsy car passenger and usually after one hour of being trapped in any vehicle I start to panic. We had packed up the car with everything we needed for the incredible journey... life vest (ferry), rubber boots, paints, sketchbooks, camera and clothes.
After 45 minutes.....
Me: Are we almost there?
Her: We have about 18 more hours of driving and 6 hours of ferry travel.

Just when I thought I was coming to terms with my entrapment, I panicked and started thinking of escape routes and possible reasons why we had to go back home.
Me: The stove is on?
Her: I turned that breaker off.
Me: I have to pee?
Her: Rest stop just ahead.
Me: I forgot my contacts and my glasses. I can't see anything!!!
Her: You don't wear glasses.
Just when I thought I'd come to the end of my rope, she reached behind my seat and pulled out a brand new, shiny pink ukulele with songbook.
I thought it was a magical pink mirage. Nope. Real Live Ukulele to keep me occupied during the 256 hour trip. Shining stars, She is fabulous. Sometimes things that seem too good to be true aren't !!!
Hours later, I have Ukulele claw.

Somewhere in New Brunswick....
Me:I feel like there is something in my boot.
Her: Well take it off and check.
Me: No, it is too hard to take off.
Her: Well, you took them off in the car....
Me: Yes, but now it would be too hard. I'm fine.

Later that night in our Montreal Hotel room I removed my rubber boots and found what I had been walking on all day...........
The next morning at the Jean Talon market in Montreal, She sees a giant squid and asks me if I would please find one when we get back home and make Italian fritti calamari for Her.
Oh GROSS ! I am thinking, but as I have the shape of her new, very cracked iPod embedded in my foot, I say "Yes , I will make that just for you."
She doesn't yet know that I was walking on her iPod for 6 hours yesterday and that it fell in my boot while I was "tidying the car". I hope she isn't too upset. I hope She doesn't take back my ukulele as I am now the only source of musical entertainment for the drive home. Plus, I just downloaded all of the ukulele chords for Barry Manilows greatest hits. I hope THAT will make things better.

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